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Workplace Guidelines

Last updated on Mar 03, 2023

The following guidelines are being provided to help inform CCA faculty and staff of relevant workplace policies as the college navigates campus unification, COVID-19 and other aspects that impact workplace protocols both on and off campus. Please direct all questions to Human Resources.

General Info about Work - On Campus, Hybrid and Remote

  • Employees should be working according to the work arrangements they’ve established with their supervisors based on their assigned work mode. All employees are welcome to work on campus as needed.
  • CCA has a COVID-19 vaccine requirement (including the booster, for those eligible) for all students, faculty, and staff who are on campus. A vaccination or approved exemption is required for any new hires. To update your vaccination status, please log into Workday and follow these instructions.
  • Community members are not required to wear masks on-campus, but well-fitting non-vented N95, KN95, or KF94 respirators are still highly recommended. This applies to both vaccinated and non-vaccinated community members.
  • Here is key information on Isolation and Quarantine for Positive Cases, Symptoms, or Close Contact.
  • Regular employees who are unable to work due to illness and are caring for themselves or others must enter the sick time hours in Workday or other time-tracking procedure in line with standard sick time policy. Please refer here for more information on sick time.
  • All employees should sign up for direct deposit and update emergency contacts in Workday.

On Campus Safety Protocols for All Employees

When you are on campus, you must follow the below health and safety protocols. These are processes that CCA is following to ensure a safe community on campus. Please note, that at this time, all guidelines continue to apply to all vaccinated and unvaccinated community members. We have updated the protocols appropriately to reflect changes in guidance from the CDC and Cal/OSHA.

As a reminder, our protocols are subject to change as we receive more information from the SF Department of Public Health, CDC and other resources. 

Health & Safety Guidelines
Please continue to follow and comply with these guidelines when you are physically on campus. See these guidelines below as well.

COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement

CCA has a COVID-19 vaccine requirement (including the booster, for those eligible) for all students, faculty, and staff who are on campus. A vaccination or approved exemption is required for any new hires. To update your vaccination status, please log into Workday and follow these instructions.

What to do if you test positive, show symptoms, or have a close contact with someone who is positive for COVID-19

If you are sick, stay home! If you have a positive test, are showing symptoms, or have had close contact with someone who is positive for COVID-19 (defined as being within 6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period), you must follow these instructions:

  1. Use this form to self-report your case (you may also email
  2. Begin quarantine or isolation if appropriate, as soon as possible (you can determine if you should quarantine or isolate based on the protocols outlined here).
  3. You will be contacted by a member of our team who will collect information from you, guide you on your next-steps, and alert anyone who may need to be notified.

CCA is responsible for initiating the contact tracing process and will work with any sick students, faculty, or staff, along with public health officials, to identify and contact individuals who may have been exposed. Please reach out to your healthcare provider directly if you have any concerns about your health or your symptoms worsen.

COVID-19 Surveillance Testing for Unvaccinated Staff/Students/Faculty

CCA requires surveillance testing for faculty, students and staff who are regularly on campus (at least once per week, consistently or living in a CCA residence hall) and have received an exemption from the on campus vaccination requirement. This program is intended to supplement current health and safety protocols. Any unvaccinated faculty, students or staff who will be on campus regularly during the Spring 2022 semester will be required to participate. 

For ongoing surveillance testing, all unvaccinated on campus members will be required to be tested (PCR COVID-19 test) once per week. Testing notifications and results will be stored in Workday, and employees and students should log their test results within 1 hour of receiving a positive result and 24 hours of receiving a negative result. Faculty/Staff can upload your lab test result in Workday by following steps found here. Students will be required to upload test results to Workday following the steps found here.

Testing compliance is an important part of maintaining the health and safety of the CCA community. Human Resources will oversee and address non-compliance concerns with employees. The Dean of Students Office will oversee and address non-compliance concerns with students. Residential students who decline to participate in testing will be required to quarantine for 10 days or until they complete a PCR COVID-19 test. Off-campus students approved to use campus facilities will be asked to leave campus immediately and will not be eligible to return until providing a negative test result.

Anyone requiring an accommodation due to a health need should email

For testing resources, please see the COVID-19 Testing Requirements and Resources Portal page.

Health & Safety Guidelines for All On Campus Employees

  • If you are sick, stay home! Individuals are to be instructed to not come to campus if they are ill, have symptoms of COVID-19 including cough or fever, or have tested positive for COVID-19 or suspected to test positive by a healthcare provider.

  • Help reduce the spread of germs. Sneeze and cough into a cloth or tissue or, if not available, into one’s elbow. Do not shake hands or engage in any unnecessary physical contact.

  • Community members are not required to wear masks on-campus, but well-fitting non-vented N95, KN95, or KF94 respirators are still highly recommended. This applies to both vaccinated and non-vaccinated community members.

  • If handling material with which others are in contact, to wear gloves and or wipe down with cleaners before and after; and thoroughly wash and dry hands at nearby sink facilities.

  • Hand sanitizer with 60% to 90% alcohol is provided to essential workers.

  • Custodial workers, facility techs, and any employees or contractors who may be entering students’ personal living quarters (rooms, suites, apartments), need access to PPE (personal and protective equipment):
    • Gloves, masks (not specialized N95 masks used for infection control, only masks used for barrier protection from cleaning chemicals).
    • Disinfectant products such as ready to use a.k.a. “RTU” in labeled spray bottles and/or wipes.

Please contact Human Resources at with any questions for comments about this protocol.

Interim Reimbursement Policy for Remote Worker Expenses: Expenses for Incremental Costs of  Work-Use of Personal Equipment and Resources

The current public health emergency has created the need to move towards a more remote work environment. It has also created the realization that the College needs to improve access by its faculty and staff to reasonable expense reimbursement for incremental (or additional) costs to them by use of their personally-owned equipment for remotely performing their assigned College work duties, such as laptop, home internet, cell phone, etc.

Initially, the College believed that the pandemic and the effect of the future working environment of the College would soon stabilize and thus a final policy on expenses could be issued by June 1, 2020. June 1 has come and it is clear that the  effect of the future working environment of the College has not yet stabilized.

Thus, the interim expense policy will be extended, subject to revision when the effects on the pandemic are more clear. As was previously outlined, if you think you have or will be incurring incremental costs, you must email the Provost's office (faculty) or your department head (staff) as soon as the need arises, and identify the equipment and resources and what you think is adding incremental costs to you, and ask them if these costs are approved by CCA for you to incur. If the costs are approved for you to incur, you will receive an email with that confirmation. You may then incur the costs and you will be reimbursed within the next calendar month.

Essential Personnel

Essential Personnel are defined as employees who are required to report to their designated work location on CCA premises, in order to ensure the operation of essential functions or departments during an emergency or when the College has suspended operations.

Essential employees who are considered more vulnerable to illness should contact for work accommodations. An HR representative will confidentially evaluate the request, explore alternatives, and attempt to appropriately address the employee’s health concerns while maintaining CCA’s operations. A formal request is required to approve workplace accommodations, and a doctor’s note may be required.

Information for Sick Employees

Employees who are ill and unable to work should use their sick time in accordance with the college’s sick time policies. Staff must notify their manager, and faculty must notify their program chair if they are unable to work due to illness. Please refer to Paid Sick Time policies below.

Paid Sick Time

CCA allows for paid sick time so that individuals can care for themselves and their families. You may review the college’s sick time policy here. Faculty may also consult the faculty handbook, adjunct faculty should refer to their union contract, the Office of Academic Affairs or academic leadership should be consulted for further guidance.

If you are ill or have received direction to self-quarantine from a healthcare professional, but do not have sufficient sick-time balance, please contact HR for further assistance.

Reporting Sick Time

Staff members who are out sick must enter absences online in Workday (or via paper timesheets for public safety officers), or consult with their managers so that it may be done for them.

Return to Work

At this time, written medical clearance will not be required for return to work for most illnesses, unless the individual has a serious health condition, as is standard procedure. This is being done to avoid overtaxing healthcare resources.

Protected Leaves

Employees who require extended leaves due to personal illness or to the care of others, those who are advised by their healthcare provider to self-quarantine, and those who must stay home to care for their family members may be eligible for a protected leave of absence. Contact HR if you are in any of these situations.

Technology Services Reminders

Help Desk and Staff Support Available

The Help Desk and Staff Support are operating business as usual, albeit remotely. We have lined up some additional staff available to pitch in as needed to make sure you receive support and answers to your questions in a timely manner. We appreciate your patience while we adjust to a modified process for staff support, and will respond to your tickets as soon as possible. 

A friendly reminder that all help requests MUST go through Help Desk. This allows us to more efficiently and effectively route your request to the right resource. Please refrain from contacting any of the support teams directly through email, chat or phone. 

Using Your Personal Computer for Work

During normal operations, CCA requires that staff use CCA-managed computers for work purposes, and does not allow the use of personal computers. This is primarily intended to ensure the protection and preservation of CCA-managed files and data that may be stored on a computer, in the event of theft, damage or loss, as well as when staff separates from the college.

But given the campus closure and remote work situation, the demand for laptops exceeded our ability to ensure that every staff member had a laptop to use at home. We appreciate the flexibility of our staff, many of whom were willing to use their personal computers for work during this time. 

To support this, and to continue to protect the CCA community, we ask that all staff using their personal computers for work purposes carefully review and follow these guidelines: Staff Use of Personal Computers During Campus Closure

Please note that if you are using your personal computer, you will receive a task in Workday to acknowledge our personal computer policy. 

As a reminder, please follow the Guidelines for Data Sharing and Storing on any device you are using.

Potential Additional Policy Changes

If public health conditions change, CCA’s workplace policies may be further amended. Employees will be notified as quickly as possible of such changes and should also monitor their CCA email, HR newsletter, and this page for updates.