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Last updated on Jun 22, 2023

As a resident of any residential hall, each student is responsible for understanding, reading, following, and communicating these standards, policies, and procedures to their approved guests. This includes the Residential Community Standards, The Housing and Dining License Agreement, and the Student Code of Conduct. All residents are expected to engage and uphold the values and appropriate behaviors which reflect CCA at all times in the residential halls, on campus, and in the community.

What is the Residential Community Standards Conduct Process?

The process below is an overview of the CCA Residential Community Standards Process

  1. Any behaviors that appear to be violations of the Student Code of Conduct or the Residential Community Standards are reported by Residential Education team members (which includes Res Ed professional staff, Residential Assistants, and Front Desk Attendants) via an incident report form or can also be self or community reported by students or other community members via the CCA CARES form
  2. These incident reports (IR) and the CCA Cares form are reviewed and referred for adjudication. The nature of the violation and any prior violations of policy may determine the route of the report. Generally, Residential Education Coordinators adjudicate cases involving violations of Residential Community Standards. Other cases will be managed through the Dean of Students Office.
  3. The Residential Education Coordinators will contact all involved parties via email or phone or in person if needed. This initial contact can include a written warning or arranging a date and time for an administrative hearing. The Administrative Hearing is a meeting that allows all involved parties to reflect on the alleged behaviors, share their perspective, and concerns, and ask any questions.
    1. If needed, please ask if you need accommodations for a documented disability or medical condition in advance of the hearing.
  4. Based on the information shared during the administrative hearing, the Residential Education Coordinator will issue a finding and outcome if applicable as well as any associated outcomes including but not limited to sanctions.
  5. If the resident and/or associated parties alleged of violating the Residential Community Standards do not participate in the conduct process, decisions will be made based upon the information available in the incident and/or CCA CARES form, and the resident and/or other associated parties will be responsible for any outcomes or sanctions as a result.

Do the policies on residential conduct apply only if I live in a residential hall?

No, Residential Community Standards apply to all residents and their approved guests who enter and/or occupy residential communities. Outside vendors will be handled internally with our third-party contractors. Students are strongly encouraged to report all violations from outside vendors in the hall via CCA cares.

What is a violation?

A violation is an act or engagement of infringing upon rules or regulations. In this case, a violation of the Residential Community Standards would be the action of intentionally and/or unintentionally breaking or failing to comply with the policies set in place.

What is a Notice of Hearing (NOH)?

The Notice of Hearing also known as a NOH is a communication sent by the Residential Education Coordinator via email to all parties who may be involved in an alleged violation of the Residential Community Standards. The NOH includes information about the alleged violation including the date, time, location, and nature of the incident as well as information to coordinate a meeting between the recipient of the email and the adjudicating officer.

What is an Outcome?

An outcome in the conduct process includes a finding as well as sanctions. An outcome is communicated via email to the appropriate parties involved in the alleged violation.

What is a finding?

A finding is a conclusion reached as a result of an inquiry, investigation, or examination of facts and evidence available. In this case, a finding as it pertains to the Student Code of Conduct, as well as the Residential Community Standards, will result in a finding or responsible or a finding of not responsible.

What are the sanctions for violating a residential conduct policy?

If a student is found responsible for a violation of the residential community standards, the nature of the violation, any current or prior violations, impact on the residential community, as well as compliance in the process are factors considered to determine the appropriate sanction. All sanctions also include an expiration date of implementation. Which can include but is not limited to the following:

    • Written warning: A written warning has an intent to bring attention to the appropriate party that the reported behavior is not aligned with the standards of the residential community. It is recommended that if you receive a written warning, you take the necessary steps to further educate yourself on the standards and policies of the College.
    • Educational Outcome: An educational outcome has an intent to provide a learning opportunity that assists in the reflection of past or current actions and future attainment of compliance with the Colleges policies and standards. This includes but is not limited to below;
      • Writing a reflection paper about a specified topic
      • Creating a passive program such as a poster, comic strip, video, or presentation about a specified topic
      • Hosting an educational program for other residents
      • Meeting with appropriate staff to learn additional information about a topic of relevance to the violation
    • Restitution Outcome: A restitution outcome has an intent to provide an opportunity to restore or repair the harm inflicted on the residential community. This includes but is not limited to below;
      • A monetary fine
      • Community Service
    • Disciplinary Outcome: A disciplinary outcome has an intent to remove or revoke privileges otherwise afforded to individuals who are compliant with the Colleges policies and standards. This includes but is not limited to below;
      • Revocation of guest privileges
      • Revocation of attending residential events and programming
      • Restriction to community spaces, including residential slack channel restriction to community services such as attending College-sponsored events and activities
      • Removal from housing

Can I appeal an outcome?

Yes. Any and all appeals information will be included in the Administrative Hearing Outcome letter. That information can also be found below;

    • Per the Student Code of Conduct appeals of administrative hearings may be requested based only on one or more of the following:
      • the College’s procedures were not followed, and the deviance would substantially alter the outcome(s) of the case;
      • there is new relevant evidence not reasonably available at the time of the hearing; or
      • the evidence does not clearly support the finding(s); or
      • the sanctions are inappropriate relative to the violation.

Who can I contact concerning residential conduct and community standards?

  • You can contact Danielle Martinez, the Residential Education Coordinator for Blattner Hall and Residental Conduct.
  • Secondly, if Danielle is out of the office, you may contact the respective RECs