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Last updated on Nov 02, 2020

The sabbatical is a benefit designed to provide teachers with an opportunity for self-improvement through a leave of absence with full or partial compensation following a designated number of consecutive years of service in order.

The two primary goals are to render the recipient more useful to the college as a teacher and scholar, artist, architect, or designer, and to maintain the quality of the teaching force. The latter goal requires periodical refreshing of the faculty through the pursuit of study, creative activity, and travel.

This goal also requires that contact be maintained with other institutions and with specialists of other countries, in order to keep abreast of new methods of acquiring and imparting knowledge.

See the Faculty Handbook for more details about sabbaticals.


All ranked faculty eligible for sabbatical may apply after six semesters of teaching at CCA, with priority given to full-time tenured faculty.

Teaching at CCA as adjunct or RNT faculty preceding appointment to ranked tenure-track status may count for up to one year of credit toward sabbatical eligibility.

Credit toward sabbatical eligibility does not accrue in semesters when the faculty member does not teach at CCA. In an academic year when a faculty member takes a sabbatical of one semester, credit toward sabbatical eligibility does not accrue in the other semester.

Faculty members who choose to defer their sabbatical do not accrue credit toward subsequent sabbaticals during the period of their deferment; however, a faculty member asked to defer a sabbatical in order to perform some service to the college shall accrue sabbatical credit during the period of deferment.

Applicants must have a satisfactory teaching and service record as well as creative, research and performance accomplishments.

Period of Leave and Remuneration

Eligible faculty may elect one of the following:

  • After six consecutive semesters of teaching, one semester's leave with full pay based on an average teaching load over a three-year period.
  • After twelve consecutive semesters of teaching, two consecutive semesters' leave with full pay based on an average teaching load over a three-year period.

Restriction in Service & Salary

Full-time faculty may not teach at another institution during a sabbatical leave without prior written approval from the Provost. This restriction does not include scholarships, fellowships, short-term guest artist scholarly positions and grants-in-aid for advanced study.

Required Submission of Plan

Applicants shall submit a plan demonstrating how the proposed sabbatical will be of benefit for them as a teacher, scholar or artist, by the required deadline. The deadline will is usually in the first week of November of the year prior to the proposed sabbatical.

Sabbatical leaves will be awarded to eligible faculty each year that funds are available upon the acceptance of their sabbatical leave plan. Sabbatical leaves may be made only to the extent permitted by budgetary considerations.

When such considerations limit the sabbaticals available, priority will be based upon seniority, tenure and typical teaching load.

Use of Time While on Sabbatical

The faculty member is expected to pursue studio or professional work, research, study, publication and travel, or other activities from which both the college and the member will benefit.

Obligation to Return

The recipient shall return to the college for at least one academic year following sabbatical leave. If the faculty member does not return, he or she may be asked to repay the sabbatical stipend.

Obligation to Report on Return

A summary report must be delivered to the Provost within three months of return. Upon approval by the Provost, this report may be abbreviated and supplemented by an exhibit of work or a slide presentation.

How to View Eligibility in Workday

For instructions on how to view your sabbatical eligibility in Workday, please review this tutorial document.

Application Process

Academic Affairs will notify faculty of their eligibility to apply for sabbatical leave in the subsequent academic year in the fall semester. Applicants submit requested materials via an online submission platform.

  • Faculty will be notified in their initial fifth semester of accrual of their eligibility to apply for a half sabbatical the following year.
  • If the faculty member applies for and is awarded a half sabbatical, they will be notified again of their eligibility to apply for a second half once they have accrued another five semesters.
  • Once two half sabbaticals have been awarded, Academic Affairs will notify the faculty of their eligibility to apply for a full sabbatical in the eleventh semester.
  • If the faculty member does not apply for an initial sabbatical as a half sabbatical, or if they forego the second half sabbatical they become eligible to apply for, Academic Affairs will subsequently notify them of their eligibility to apply for a full sabbatical in their eleventh semester of accrual.
  • All subsequent notifications will occur in the eleventh accrual semester.
  • Faculty members still wishing to apply for a half sabbatical who have accrued a minimum of five semesters may do so, but will not receive specific eligibility notifications from Academic Affairs until their next eligibility to apply for a full sabbatical. Faculty may contact Academic Affairs at any time to confirm the total number of semesters they have accrued.