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CCA has long been in the vanguard of the media arts. In this introduction to filmmaking, modern cinema, and digital art, you experience the immediacy and flexibility of the vast hybrid medium of film.


You work within multiple genres, such as documentary and narrative fiction, compiling a well-rounded, professional video reel.

Working with film language, digital cameras, lighting, sound recorders, scriptwriting, and Adobe Premiere, you immerse yourself in the conceptual and technical fundamentals of narrative and non-narrative filmmaking.

Screenings, critiques, and research are used in the class to inform individual and collaborative projects.


You gain inspiration as you develop your own voice as artist and filmmaker.

A highlight of the class is access to digital classroom facilities, editing suites, and the Carmen M. Christensen Production Stage on CCA's San Francisco campus, where students make a short film, or film-scripted scenes, using the green screen setup.

Film is an all-day studio.

To apply to Pre-College Film click here
