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Organize and Prioritize

Organize and Prioritize

Last updated on Sep 16, 2021

Learning how to manage your schedule can take time and exploration until you find a method or strategy that works best for you.

Check out these short videos with tips from CCA students, faculty, and staff about prioritization, organizing and managing your schedule, and how to get started on tasks and assignments:

See the Learning Resource Center for more time management strategies, including how to schedule an appointment with an Academic Strategy Coach to discuss time management and organization strategies.

Organization and Prioritization

Learn how a student manages and prioritizes their work, social life, and schoolwork. Remember that it is okay that not everything can be completed at 100% in one sitting. Click image to view video.

How to Prioritize Step by Step

Learn how to organize and prioritize your assignments and tasks with the Eisenhower Decision Matrix, which takes into consideration the urgency and importance of each task. Make sure to pace yourself each day or week while being flexible for things that may come up. Click image to view video.

Scheduling and Planning with Google Calendar

Learn how to use Google calendar to schedule, plan, and create balance in your day and weeks. Use add calendars, events, color coding, and time zone to organize your work time, studio time, and personal time. Build in breaks and include activities that bring you joy! Click image to view video.

The Structure and Use of the Pomodoro Organizing System

Learn how to stay organized in school, work, family, and friends. Each task can be 25 minutes with a five minute break, you can use it more loosely to fit your needs. Find links to this as PDF and Keynote (Mac). Feel free to customize it to your needs which may be unique. Click image to view video.

Weekly and Monthly Scheduling

Learn how to plan out a weekly and monthly schedule to establish a consistent routine. Use your course syllabus, academic calendar, your work schedule, etc. Helpful tools include using alarms and setting up google folders for each academic year, semester, and course. Tips include avoid scheduling conflicts, take breaks, and avoid distractions. Click image to view video.

Declutter your Inbox with Gmail Filters

Learn how to organize your email by creating filters, which separate the emails that require your attention right away from emails that you can get to later. Keep track of course specific emails from your professors, important Moodle notifications, newsletter subscriptions, and more by applying a filter for each. Click image for link to resource and video.