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Versions of Hybrid Courses: a phased return to campus

Last updated on Apr 09, 2021

The following are shared definitions across fall 2021, summer 2021, and spring 2021

What does "hybrid" mean at CCA?

Hybrid courses combine online and in-person instruction. A student enrolled in a hybrid course can only meet the in-person requirements with physical presence. The in-person component is integral to successful completion of the course. All students enrolled in the hybrid course are subject to the same in-person requirements.

What is "synchronous" vs "asynchronous" instruction?

Synchronous instruction happens in real time (in-person class meetings; real-time, online Zoom sessions). Asynchronous instruction occurs without real-time interaction, generally online (prerecorded lectures, discussion forums, etc.)

Is the distinction between in-person vs. online the same as between synchronous vs. asynchronous?

No! Online instruction can be synchronous or asynchronous. Synchronous instruction can be in-person or online.

The following is general information about each term's courses. Please see your syllabus for specifics about each of your courses.

Fall 2021

Summer 2021

Spring 2021

How online vs. hybrid is the term's course schedule?

Fall: A mixture of online and hybrid classes, with many studio courses planned for hybrid delivery. Not all courses will offer an online version. For details, review the fall 2021 schedule, and for program specifics, contact the chair.

Summer: There will likely be one undergraduate (and a few graduate) hybrid classes. All other classes will be offered exclusively online.

Spring: Mostly online with a small number of hybrid classes.

How synchronous vs. asynchronous are courses?

Fall: All courses (whether online or hybrid) will likely have a mixture of synchronous and asynchronous delivery.

Summer: Online courses will have required synchronous online meeting times in addition to asynchronous components.

Spring: All courses have a mixture of synchronous and asynchronous delivery.

How easy is it to have a fully-online schedule?

Fall: Depends. Easier for first-year students. Possible for some students in some programs whose courses are mostly online. Challenging for others without adjusting academic plans, enrolling in more H&S courses than usual, or enrolling in fewer units than usual. Online course meeting times may not be as accommodating of time zone differences as spring 2021 online courses.

Summer: Very easy, as hybrid courses will be rare.

Spring: Relatively easy, as hybrid courses were limited in quantity, and courses were scheduled to accommodate different time zones.

How easy is it to have a schedule with one or more hybrid classes?

Fall: Very easy (and very likely)! Most studio courses will be hybrid, and so even if their major courses are online, students can schedule studio elective, Critical Ethnic Studies Studio (ETHST, formerly DIVST), and Interdisciplinary Studio (UDIST) courses that offer hybrid delivery.

Summer: Unlikely, as hybrid courses will be rare.

Spring: Possible. A small number of hybrid courses were offered with an emphasis on First Year (FYCST), Diversity Studies Studio (DIVST), and Interdisciplinary Studio (UDIST) courses.

What does the "Meeting Patterns" field in the Workday "View Course Section" screen represent?

Fall: Hybrid courses: required, synchronous, in-person meeting times. Additional class time will be online and mostly asynchronous.
Online courses: required, synchronous, online meeting times.  Additional class time will be online and asynchronous.

Summer: For online courses, they represent required synchronous online meeting times.

Spring: Hybrid courses: required synchronous, online meeting times that transitioned to required synchronous, in-person meeting times. Additional class time is online and mostly asynchronous.
Online courses: required, synchronous, online meeting times.  Additional class time is online and asynchronous.

How much time will hybrid classes spend in studio?

Fall: A course that previously ran as a 6 hour in-person studio (6 hours on a single day or 3 hours each for 2 days) will likely spend 4 hours in person and 2 hours online each week. This is in addition to the normal amount of time that students spend on homework.

Summer: Please consult the syllabus for each hybrid course.

Spring: A course that previously ran as a 6 hour in-person studio (6 hours on a single day or 3 hours each for 2 days) began with 6 hours of online instruction each week (3-4 hours synchronous and 2-3 hours asynchronous). This is in addition to the normal amount of time that students spend on homework. Beginning the week of March 29, in-person instruction replaced some but not all online instruction. This is in addition to the normal amount of time that students spend on homework.

Will the studio time for hybrid classes be scheduled over 2 days or 1?

Fall: Depending on the course, the in-person instruction will consist of either 4 hours in a single day (2 hours in studio, 1 hour break for required ventilation, 2 hours in studio) OR 2 hours each for 2 days.

Summer: Please consult the syllabus for each hybrid course.

Spring: Please consult the syllabus for each hybrid course.

When does the on-campus component of a hybrid course start?

Fall: On the first day of class.

Summer: Please consult the syllabus for each hybrid course.

Spring: Most started the week of March 29
