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Learning Resources

LEARNING IS SOCIAL! Book an appointment with an academic coach today!

The Learning Resource Center is a team of about 20 CCA students (undergraduate and graduate) and 3 faculty/staff members who serve as coaches in all academic subject areas.

We love working with students at all levels! Our faculty coaches specialize in helping multilingual writers with academic reading, writing, oral communication, class presentations, and peer-critique. Our coaches are here to help you brainstorm, compose, and communicate your creative vision--to help you become a stronger learner and writer--to help you become a stronger learner and writer, but not to copyedit your work for you.

Academic and Writing Coaches can help you learn how to recognize your own patterns of error and help you become a stronger writer by developing your own proof reading strategies. Their focus goes beyond editing and proofreading your work to help you develop as a writer, student, and professional with portable skills that you can take with you beyond a coaching session. We encourage you to make appointments early and to book multiple sessions.