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Games Track F.A.Q.

What is the Games Track?

The Games Track is a sequence of courses within the Animation BFA that teaches the conceptual and technical skills of Game Design, Games Development, Game Production, and Game Animation. Track members will also complete games-based Junior and Senior projects.

When does the Games Track start?

The Games Track has already started! The first Games Track course, ANIMA 2700 "Game Making" is offered this Spring 2020, and more classes will be offered in Fall 2020 and after.

When can I join the Games Track?

You can declare for the Games Track as a Freshman or Sophomore, but you will not join the Games Track until you have Junior Standing and enroll in the upper division Games Track courses.

In the meantime, you can enroll in the elective ANIMA 2700 "Game Making" workshop and keep an eye out for other games courses both within Animation and in other programs.

How do I join the Games Track?

To join the Games Track you will need to submit a Declaration Form through Portal. The link is not yet available but should be soon. Freshman and Sophomore students can declare early for the Games Track but will only be able to officially join the track only when they have Junior standing. In the meantime, students of all levels can take Game Track courses.

Will I have to take extra classes to complete the Games Track and my BFA?

In most cases, Animation majors will not need to take additional courses to complete the Games Track. Games Track courses count as elective workshops and tutorials towards their Animation BFA, and Games Track members take game-specific Junior Project and Senior Project courses that fulfill the BFA degree requirements.

I have questions about the Games Track, who should I contact?

If you have questions about the Games Track, you should contact the Games Track Coordinator. If you have specific questions about the Games Track and your own course of study, you can reach out to the Animation Program's Advisor, Michelle Gurlin at

Who is the Games Track Coordinator?

The Games Track Coordinator is Zachary Walter, Assistant Professor in Animation. You can reach him at with questions or just to share your excitement about games.