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Hiding / Unhiding Courses

Last updated on Jun 12, 2023

Important information about course visibility

All courses created in Moodle are hidden from students by default. This way, instructors can begin adding content and organizing their course without having to worry whether their students will interact with assignments before they are ready.

However, courses will need to be set to "show" for any interaction via Moodle with your students, including, but not limited to:

  • sending messages through Moodle to enrolled students
  • email notifications to students about any posts in your course's Announcements forum

If you would like to take advantage of messages and Announcements email notifications but are not ready to show the course, you may choose to set the course to "show" while hiding sections of the course content.

Steps to change your course visibility

1 Log in to Moodle

Go to Click the log in link in the upper righthand corner, and log in using your CCA account credentials.

You will be directed to your Moodle Dashboard upon logging in.

2 Select your course

In the center column, you will find the latest news/updates for Moodle, as well as a list of your courses just below in the Course overview block.

  • Courses that are currently hidden from students will be labeled as such here.
  • Visible courses will always display above hidden courses.
Screenshot of Course card appearing in Course Overview with Hidden From Students flag

3 Go to "Edit Settings" for the course

  1. Click the gear icon ⚙️ in the course title header (upper right corner of the screen).
  2. Select Edit Settings.
Screenshot of Edit Settings options visible when clicking on the gear in a course

4 Change the "Course visibility" setting

Course settings are separated into a few major categories. Under General, select Show from the Course visibility dropdown.

Screenshot of Course visibility setting in course settings

You can change the course visibility setting as many times as you need, but anyone in the course assigned the role of "instructor" and above (such as the site administrators or course managers) will be able to access and view the course whether it is hidden or not.

5 Save your changes

When you've finished hiding (or unhiding) the course, scroll to the very bottom of the page and click the Save and display button.